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by Marius Ged, on Jun 15, 2022 3:23:06 PM

Keep up with the latest personal injury law news and insights from the industry's trusted legal partner, Ged Lawyers. Here is an overview of what happened this month in the …

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by Marius Ged, on May 9, 2022 6:55:02 PM

Does your Florida law firm handle personal injury cases for treatment providers? Then you have the opportunity to augment your revenue channels. At Ged Lawyers, we’re open to new opportunities …

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Topics:Service Benefits

by Marius Ged, on Jan 5, 2022 9:19:11 AM

Medical providers might understandably ask what they’re signing before working with Ged Lawyers to process PIP claims. Why is it prudent and necessary for medical providers to sign an Attorney-Provider …

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Topics:Attorney-Provider Agreements

by Marius Ged, on Dec 23, 2021 12:33:27 PM

It’s time to clear your lunch schedule! The experienced staff from Pip Revenue for Lawyers is providing a one-credit session of Continuing Legal Education. This course will especially interest: Florida …

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Topics:CLE Opportunities

by Marius Ged, on Dec 23, 2021 12:18:27 PM

If your law firm handles personal injury cases for motor vehicle accident victims, this message is for you. In no-fault insurance states, including Florida, lawyers have a significant opportunity to …

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Topics:Service Benefits

by Marius Ged, on Apr 28, 2021 9:50:46 PM

Medical providers need a reliable, transparent partner to recover underpaid or unpaid PIP claims. Attorneys with professional contacts can help then partner with a service that gets more results in …

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Topics:Service Benefits

by Marius Ged, on Apr 14, 2021 10:03:36 AM

Mark your calendars! The experienced attorneys from Ged Lawyers provide a one-credit session of Continuing Legal Education. This course will especially interest: Florida attorneys with medical, physical therapy, and healthcare …

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Topics:Press Releases

by Marius Ged, on Sep 25, 2020 7:51:00 PM

Regardless of the circumstances, history has demonstrated the unwavering propensity of insurance companies to delay, deny, or underpay claims to surgeons, ER doctors, chiropractors, clinics, MRI centers, physical therapy rehab …

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Topics:Service Benefits

by Marius Ged, on Sep 17, 2020 7:49:00 PM

On December 28, 2018, Florida's Supreme Court issued a ruling that significantly changed personal insurance protection (PIP) law in the Sunshine State - for the better. This ruling made a …

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Topics:Service Benefits

by Marius Ged, on Jul 8, 2020 4:08:17 PM

A group of trial attorneys from Ged Lawyers came together and looked at how the industry handled personal injury protection cases. They felt the entire process was inefficient. With over …

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Topics:PIP Referral Cases